"In The Kennel" is a joint project run by Noja Recordings, Goat Man Records & Blue Record Studio. Two or more different independent composers/musicians, bands/collectives are invited to share a two day recording session at the Blue Record Studio to create music together.
We release limited editions of these fine recordings (CD or LP or digital) in order to fund the continuity of this expensive project. On the other hand all the people involved (artists, engineers, listeners) - sharing their creativity, experience and skills - contribute to realize more meetings for other artists interested in creating collective music and original sound recordings.
We release limited editions of these fine recordings (CD or LP or digital) in order to fund the continuity of this expensive project. On the other hand all the people involved (artists, engineers, listeners) - sharing their creativity, experience and skills - contribute to realize more meetings for other artists interested in creating collective music and original sound recordings.
Everything is managed outside the mainstream or indie music business.
GENTLESS3 + LA MONCADA In The Kennel Vol. I (CD + digital) | under construction |
SPACCAMOMBU In The Kennel Vol. II (LP 180gr. + digital) | under construction |